Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Schwimmer in theatre

There's an article (click on the title) about the play and the cast where David Schwimmer plays also.

Some quotes:
The revival of the Herman Wouk play will begin performances on Friday,
April 14th and open on Broadway on Sunday, May 7th at 7pm at The Lyceum
Theatre (149 W. 45th St.).
The role was previously portrayed on film by Van Johnson and on stage by John Hodiak in the original production.
Sikora joins previously-announced cast members David Schwimmer ("Friends"), in his Broadway debut, as Lt. Barney Greenwald, Tony Award-nominee Ivanek (The Pillowman, Two Shakespearean Actors) as Lt. Com. Philip Francis Queeg, Terry Beaver (Democracy, Twentieth Century, Henry IV) as Captain Blakely, Murphy Guyer (The Graduate, Swimming in the Shallows) as Captain Southard, Brian Reddy (Dinner at Eight, Abe Lincoln in Illinois, A Little Hotel on the Side) as seen as Dr. orrest Lundeen and Ben Fox (Our Town, Three Seconds in the Key) will play Lt.
Willis Keith. The show will be directed by Tony Award-winner Jerry Zaks (La Cage aux Folles, Guys and Dolls).

Jennifer Aniston's friend / boyfriend

Vince Vaughn - he looks nice... :)

Monday, February 27, 2006

Kind of funny :)

David Schwimmer reads your future... :)

(Click on the title)

Critic of 'Joey' by Dusty Saunders

FINAL CHANCE: NBC's Joey is similar to a disappointing NFL first- round
draft choice.
The barrage of favorable press clippings before he took the
field was there but the series hasn't produced quality episodes since premiering
in the fall of 2004.
A spinoff of the network's popular, money-making
Friends, Joey (Matt LeBlanc), was put into the Friends 7 p.m. Thursday time
period - the leading position for NBC's "must- see" lineup.
Despite a mediocre freshman season in quality, reviews and audience ratings, NBC brought Joey back last fall.
Same negative results.
So the series was yanked at the end of the year.
Joey gets one more chance to live up to its hype.
Beginning March 7, Joey shows up at 7 p.m. Tuesday with original episodes,
airing through the spring, followed at 7:30 p.m. by a string of repeats.
There's an outside chance Joey could return for a third season in the fall
if it performs well in the ratings. How likely is that?
Joey's main opposition is Fox's American Idol.

Schwimmer in theatre

Original publication: February 26, 2006

Here is the menu for a busy theatrical time that seems to offer something
for everyone. One thing is sure: We have no idea -— at this point —- who will
stand, lauded with prizes at the June 11 Tonys, and who will fall among the
forgotten at the end of the season.

David Schwimmer (of TV's "Friends") stars opposite Zeljko Ivanek ("The
Pillowman") in a revival of Herman Wouk's 1954 play, an adaptation of his
Pulitzer Prize-winning novel "The Caine Mutiny." Jerry Zaks directs this
crackling courtroom drama, which revolves around the mad Captain Queeg (Ivanek)
and the attorney, Barney Greenwald, who defends the case of mutiny brought by
him. Henry Fonda famously starred in the original, which was directed by Charles
Laughton, Humphrey Bogart starred in the film. The last revival of this
potboiler starred Michael Moriarty and John Rubinstein.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Lisa Kudrow in "Clockwatchers"

There's a summary I've read about this movie where Lisa Kudrow stars:
Winner of the Audience Award at the Arizona International Film Festival,
"Clockwatchers" (1997) follows four temps bored with their jobs in a
megacorporation. Their shared plight creates a natural affinity
among them, and
they all become fast friends, spending after hours together
getting drinks and
looking for guys.
Tensions emerge between the girls
and the rest of the
staff after a series of thefts in the office follows the
hire of a new permanent
employee. Toni Collette, Lisa Kudrow, Parker Posey,
and Alanna Ubach star in
this slice-of-life dark comedy.

(Click on the title to read the whole article)

Monday, February 20, 2006

Just see what you can bring to courts...

Friends writers' 'lewd fantasies'
By Nicholas Wapshott in New York(Filed: 19/02/2006)
The racy dialogue and sexual innuendo that made the television comedy Friends a worldwide hit is at the centre of a sexual harassment case.

Amaani Lyle, who was hired by the programme maker Warner Bros as a writing assistant, complained about her fellow workers' sexually explicit language in the California Supreme Court in Los Angeles last week.
She claims that the writers openly spoke lewdly about their sex lives and their fantasies about the Friends actors, who include Jennifer Aniston, Matt LeBlanc and Courtney Cox.
Miss Lyle's job was to note dialogue improvised by the show's writers. Warner claims that she was fired for typing too slowly and points out that sexual banter was a centre of the Friends comedy dynamic.
The complaint has become a test case for the freedom of expression in the workplace. "Writers need to, as part of their jobs, take on taboo subject matters," Adam Levin, the lawyer for Warner, told the court. But Miss Lyle's lawyer, Scott Cummings, said much of the profanity and offensive talk took place away from the writing. "This was just guys liking to say shocking, offensive, vulgar, obscene things," he said. Exchanges have shown that the writers mimed masturbation and drew genitalia on a chart.
The judges are expected to come to a decision within three months. Miss Lyle is now serving with the United States Air Force.

Többek között a Warner Bros egyik volt asszisztensének ügyével, aki szexuális túlkapás miatt perli volt munkaadóját. A hölgy feladata az volt, hogy lejegyezze az írók improvizációt, de mivel túl lassan írt, elbocsátották. Ő most azzal védekezik, hogy a használt szavak és mozdulatok hozták zavarba, ezért nem volt képes megfelelően ellátni a munkáját.
A cég szerint a sorozatban a szex-szel kapcsolatos vicceknek nagy szerepük volt, és az íróknak szükségük volt erre a módszerre, hogy a legjobb mondásokat kigyűjthessék. Az asszisztens ügyvédje szerint viszont az ott elhangzottaknak nem volt köze a munkához, csak egy csapat férfi szórakozott.
Kiváncsian várjuk, hogyan dönt a tisztelt bíróság...

Jennifer Aniston's birthday

Jennifer Aniston has just been 37 years old on the 11th of February.

Jennifer Aniston február 11-én volt 37 éves.

Brad, the ex

As Life&Style reports Brad and Angelina Jolie postponed their wedding because of his ex-wife's birthday, that is in February.
They are also afraid that the wedding will become a "circus" so they plan it to be in France.

Hírek szerint Brad Pitt és Angelina Jolie elhalasztották esküvőjüket, hogy az ne zavarja meg Jennifer Aniston februári születésnapját.
A pár attól is fél, hogy esküvőjük "cirkusszá" válik, ezért Franciaországban tartanák inkább.

'Joey' is back on NBC

Matt LeBlanc's "Joey" is returning to the NBC schedule and will air at 7 p.m. Tuesdays beginning March 7.


Matt LeBlanc sorozata, a 'Joey', március 7-től újra látható lesz az NBC-n, csütörtökönként, 7 órakor.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Rumour about Lisa Kudrow's pregnancy

Lisa Kudrow was reportedly seen at the "celebrity baby clothes store", Fred Segal, buying a lot of baby clothes. Tabloids think she bought it for her next child.

Lisa Kudrow-t a hírek szerint látták gyerekruhát vásárolni a Fred Segal áruházban, amely a "hírességek bébiruhavásárlóhelye". A pletykalapok szerint következő gyermekének vette a ruhákat.

A little of LA life

Matthew joins again Robbie Williams at a concert
Matthew Perry met again Robbie Williams at the concert of James Blunt who is rumoured to move to LA as well. The singer is famous of his love ballads which is reportedly Perry's taste...

(The pic was made last April at Hard Rock Cafe's 10th anniversary and belongs to imaginingmatthew.com.)

Matthew Perry újra találkozott Robbie Williams-szel James Blunt koncertján, akiről az a hír járja, hogy szintén Los Angelesbe költözik. Az énekes lassú, szerelmes balladáiról híres leginkább, amely Matthew ízléséhez közel áll.

(A kép tavaly áprilisban a Hard Rock Cafe 10. évfordulóján készült és az imaginingmatthew.com oldalról származik.)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Silent Auction for Lollipop Theater Network

Stars Make Their Voices Heard at a Silent Auction for Lollipop Theater Network

Founded in 2001, Lollipop Theater Network (Lollipop) is a not-for-profit foundation dedicated to bringing the laughter and magic of movies to the children who need it most.
You can also support their activities, click here!

Some of the participants from the auction below.
(Images form imaginingmatthew.com and wireimage.com)

Sztárok hallatták a hangjukat a "Lollipop Theater Network" számára rendezett csendes jótékonysági árverésen.
A Lollipop egy 2001-ben alapított nonprofit alapítvány, amelynek célja, hogy a mozi csodáját azokhoz a gyerekekhez juttassa el, akiknek a leginkább szüksége van rá.
Honlapjuk: http://www.lollipoptheater.org
Az alapítványt ti is támogathatjátok, további infot itt találtok!

Néhány kép a résztvevőkről ld. külön.
(A képek az imaginingmatthew.com és a wireimage.com oldalairól származnak.)

Kay O'Connell, Jamie Tisch, Janet Crown Peterson, Lori Loughlin, Maeve Quinlan and Lisa Kudrow Posted by Picasa

Lisa Kudrow

Lisa Kudrow Posted by Picasa

Ők is régi barátok: Maeve and Matthew

They're old friends too: Maeve and Matthew Posted by Picasa

Régi barátok: Matthew and Lisa

Old friends: Matthew and Lisa Posted by Picasa

Matthew Perry és az ő medvéje

Matthew Perry with his bear Posted by Picasa

Matthew Perry at a benefit performance

Richard Jenik, Allison Janney, Minnie Driver, David Burtka, Neil Patrick Harris, John Bennett Perry, Richard Kind, Matthew Perry, Michael Morris

Matthew Perry was never reluctant to help the less lucky and the more troubled. He is an enthusiastic supporter of the Lili Claire foundatation since its beginning and this year he already took part at least at two beneficial happenings. One was the "2006 Winter Benefit Performance" by the Ojai Playwrights Conference.
He teamed up here among others with his father, John Bennett Perry and with Minnie Driver, who already met in stage. For more pictures click at the title. They're worth to look at!
See the cast and the director (the last one) above.

Matthew Perry egy jótékonysági előadáson
Matthew Perry sosem habozott, amikor arról volt szó, hogy a kevésbé szerencséseket, a nehéz helyzetben lévőket segítse. A Lili Claire alapítvány munkájában az alapításától kezdve részt vesz és az idei évben már legalább két jótékonysági rendezvényet is támogatott - remélhetőleg nem csak a részvételével. Az egyik ezek közül az Ojai Színdarabírók Konferenciájának "Téli jótékonysági előadás 2006" elnevezésű programja volt.
Ebben szerepelt többek között édesapja, John Bennett Perry és Minnie Driver is, akikkel Matthew már korábban is szerepelt színpadon. További képekért kattints az angol címre, érdemes őket megnézni!
A színészek és a rendező (aki az utolsó a képen) fent láthatók.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Amanda Peet joining Matthew Perry

It's said that Amanda Peet was also casted in the new television drama where Matthew Perry's also got a part. She will play the newly appointed president of the network and Perry plays a genius comic writer.

Source: Reuters

A források szerint Peet is szerepet kapott abban az új televíziós dráma-sorozatban, ahol Matthew Perry egy zseniális komédia írót játszik. Peet a TV-hálózat újonnan kinevezett elnökének szerepét kapta. A sorozat egy szituációs komédia show hátterét követi majd nyomon.

Forrás: Reuters

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Another article about Matthew Perry's new series

Read this at TV Envy.

Lisa Kudrow about the press and celebrity couples

"Jennifer is a dear friend. I will never talk about her and Brad except to say she's doing great. But what I will say is that when you get one celebrity hooking up with another one it creates a monster that is far bigger than two individuals.
"The press goes wild and then you end up becoming this huge deal. I've never been like that - or maybe it's because my life is too boring."