Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Funny story about JA (quoted)

Jennifer Aniston Looks Up At Ceiling

We often think of summertime as the period of the year when nothing newsworthy happens. Well, those thoughts should soon evaporate upon the absolutely mortifying news that Jennifer Aniston, the lovely creature abandoned by the dastardly Brad Pitt, took a look at her ceiling at precisely 6:14 yesterday evening. Aniston, the adorable American sweetie pie who recently broke up with British hunk Paul Sculfor, was at her fancy mahogany dining table preparing to take her third bite of a Waldorf salad when, without notice, she turned her head to what was above her. The unlucky-at-love star's gaze stayed fixed on the ceiling for close to 2.39 seconds, then returned back to her salad and later to a magazine article she was in the process of reading.

Source: chortler

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.